The White Mountain Ride Guide, second edition, written by award-winning author and columnist Marty Basch provides over 40 scenic, easy and challenging bicycle routes for road riders and mountain bikers in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and Maine. First published in 1998, the White Mountain Ride Guide takes riders of all abilities along rolling country roads, through mountain passes, down smooth singletrack and beside the region's beauty. The new updated and expanded 2007 second edition includes new rides and maps. The maps are the creation of Appalachian Mountain Club cartographer Larry Garland and the book is designed by founder Al Hospers. The White Mountain Ride Guide serves up rides starting in the towns of North Conway, Bartlett, Lincoln, Littleton, Franconia and others. Each route comes with mileage, difficulty, easy-to-read map, narrative, cycling directions and driving directions to the starting point. Inside, cyclists will find helpful tips on getting the most out of each spin through the White Mountains.